Yesterday I finally managed to complete the first draft of the book I've been working on, and I wanted to make some notes of how I got here, before I decide to pretend it didn't happen.
The book in question is something I actually wrote over 9 to 10 years or so ago, handwritten in notebooks, during university, and later unemployment. Unfortunately, I went through a long period of despairing over everything, decided it was trash (the usual writer's angst nonsense), and put it aside. I then spent the next several (read: too many) years wallowing in depression.
Stop me if you've heard this story before.
About a year ago, I reached the breaking point, as some do during depression, and decided I was sick of it. I sought to get better, and put the effort in to overcome depression and anxiety. I actually went on a course for the anxiety issue, and due to it, I managed to overcome the anxiety that had plagued me for years.
I've seen many of the self-improvement type folks that I follow on Twitter over the years mention that when you decide to improve, after that initial issue that you choose to fix is dealt with, you notice various other problems that afflict you. I was no different in this regard. Some fall here as it can be a bit overwhelming to realize how many issues you have built up over the years, but luckily I persevered. Mostly for myself, but also in a way, for my parents, and my brother and sister. I mean, who wants a miserable sod for a relative, right?
Fast forward a year, and now I'm working on my health by getting in shape to be better able to deal with the Arthritis that I suffer from. I've a long way to go on that regard, but small steps and all that.
So what has all this nonsense to do with completing my first draft, you might ask?
Simple. In January, I decided that I wanted to finally get around to becoming a published author finally (something I've wanted to do since I was a child), and that to get there I needed to actually write something. This had the bonus of improving my discipline, and to form a positive habit. It's been a rocky start, as it has taken a span of three months to write what was technically a months worth of work, but I think I have the hang of it now. Hopefully, from now on, I should be writing or editing something of mine each day (barring unforeseen circumstances).
Now that I have finished the first draft of the book, and I can begin editing the thing, it feels like the progress I sought is finally starting to show, and I have to admit, it's a bit of a thrill.
Here's hoping it doesn't take as long to edit it to a state I'm somewhat satisfied with!
For future reference, and just in case I lose my Twitter, I have included the log I kept of the number of words I wrote, and on what day:
Day 2 = 1986 = Jan 9
Day 3 = 3028 = Jan 10
Day 4 = 1870 = Jan 11
Day 5 = 2148 = Jan 14
Day 6 = 1038 = Jan 15
Day 7 = 3004 = Jan 16
Day 8 = 1569 = Jan 18
Day 9 = 2991 = Jan 21
Day 10 = 1362 = Jan 22
Day 11 = 2176 = Jan 26
Day 12 = 3566 = Feb 4
Day 13 = 1899 = Feb 11
Day 14 = 1683 = Feb 14
Day 15 = 1389 = Feb 27
Day 16 = 2361 = Mar 5
Day 17 = 3305 = Mar 8
Day 18 = 4382 = Mar 11
Day 19 = 4411 = Mar 13
Day 20 = 5245 = Mar 16
Day 21 = 4726 = Mar 17
Day 22 = 4451 = Mar 18
Day 23 = 4687 = Mar 19
Day 24 = 6199 = Mar 22
Day 25 = 3708 = Mar 23
Day 26 = 5962 = Mar 24 (1st draft complete)
Other stats:
Overall words (During writing spree): 81,043
Overall words (Includes some editing that I forgot to keep a note of): 82,270
Overall characters: 455,058
Overall pages: 140
Overall Chapters: 40
Coffee drunk: Just enough
Tea Drunk: Not enough
All subject to change after editing is complete.
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